
July 28th

For dinner on the 28th it will be at our house.  We will plan on eating around 6 to give people time to get here!  We will be having BBQ Pork Sandwiches so here is the sign ups.

BBQ Pork-Tammy and Jeremy
Coleslaw-Tammy and Jeremy

Chips-Grandma and Grandpa

Dessert- Kara & Jeremy

If you think of something else that isn't on here that you would like, feel free to add it to the list.
See ya then!



Jeremy and Kara said...

I will also being a veggie tray.

Unknown said...

Hey So i don't know the password to make a post on this blog but we have good and bad news. For next month Dayna and I were going to go out but Dayna got hired at Kohls yesterday and starts August 7th so we won't be able to make it out after all. We love you all and think about you often... Sorry for the inconvience.