
Memorial Day BBQ

The annual MEMORIAL DAY BBQ will be at our house (Sam & Chelsie's) this year @ 2pm (Feel free to come up earlier).

Here is the sign up!

Sam and I will provide the hamburgers and hot dogs! If you want to bring something different than that feel free to do so! We will also provide the buns and condiments!

Salad: Tammy (yogurt/fruit salad)
Salad: Grandma and Grandpa--Potato Salad and Cole Slaw
Dessert: Val & Mike
Chips (2 bags): Sarah and Chance
Chips (2 Bags): Ryan and Suzie

We have a few sports coolers that we will fill with water and lemonade! We will also provide the paper goods!

 We also thought it would be fun to have a little water party with the kids (if weather permits) so make sure you bring their swim suits and a towel (adults also if you want) and anything that we can use (squirt guns, etc...)  We will also have some fun stuff with the adults planned! It may or may not include water balloons!!!!!!

I am excited!!!

See you in two weeks!



Unknown said...

We'll bring Cookies. Or rather send pictures of us eating them!- Love Dayrew!

Jeremy and Kara said...

unfortunely Jeremy will be working and we will not make it. Sounds like a ton of fun though! Kara